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Playa Masachapa

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About Playa Masachapa


    Playa Masachapa Vacation Rentals


   Playa Masachapa Virtual Tour

   Seasonal Weather


Current Weather

Masachapa Beach
Overcast Clouds
91º - 77º
11.5 mph

   Playa Masachapa Surfing


Take a 30 second time warp drive from end of NIC 10 toward Pochomil / Masachapa Beach.   Every second in the video is 10 seconds in real-time.  

– Adjust video speed and resolution on the settings wheel.

Playa Masachapa Travel Report


Planning to travel to Nicaragua in 2022?  Learn from those that make the trip often.  There are many things that can go wrong without proper preparation.  Even if you are prepared there is a lot of information that is hard to find and no one will tell you before you start planning.   Don’t let this keep you up at night, we’ve got your back.  Read our NICARAGUA 2022 AIR TRAVEL GUIDE  before you start planning your trip so everything goes smoothly for your arrival to Managua Airport (MGA)


Driving to Playa Pochomil is not a difficult task and you can make the entire trip with a compact car.    You won’t need a 4×4.   The roads to and from Masachapa are mostly paved and moderately maintainted.   You will likely see a pothole or two when entering Pochomil / Masachapa area so keep a lookout for this.   

The last 5 minutes of your drive into Masachapa is absolutely magnificent.   There is a two mile entry that is a tunnel of large, magestic trees.   Our video below doesnt do it justice but you can check it out below. 

This entryway used to be the road to the former Nicaraguan dictators personal retreat which is now know as Montilimar.     

The Trees are regularly painted white at the base of the trees to about 5 ft high.   The reason for this is to make the trees more visible at night and to help reduce accidents.


Generally, if you get a Taxi from the airport expect to pay around $100 – $150. 

But we want to hook up our Vacation Angel visitors.  So we got ya covered.   

We have contacts with local drivers that can take you one way for around $50 – $60 during the day and $80 – $120 at night time.  

No Charge.   We’re happy to help.   Contact me and ill hook you up.

A Taxi Ride from MGA to Playa San Diego will usually take about one hour pending there is no traffic.   If you are traveling anytime from 1 pm to 5 pm you can expect the trip may take another 20 – 30 minutes due to Managua traffic.


From Managua, there are busses that will travel to and from Masachapa.  You will regularly hear them honking loudly as they approach their next stop to notify locals waiting for the bus. 
This method of travel is very cheap but is not very efficient.    Busses are usually infrequent and take a long time due to their many stops.  You will also need to make a couple transfers on this journey to Playa Pochomil.   Trips have been known to take up to 3 or 4 hours.    For this reason we do not recommend taking public transit.   



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